Wash and thoroughly dry the kale. Remove the leaves from the stems and break the leaves into 2-3 inch sized pieces. Discard the stems (or freeze for future stock use).
In a high-speed blender, blend the cashews, nutritional yeast, curry powder, apple cider vinegar, water and salt. Start with the lesser amount of water and add more until a thick and smooth (but not watery) consistency is acheived. The amount of water may vary depending on how well soaked the cashews are.
Pour the cashew cream over the kale and thoroughly coat everything.
Place the cashew cream coated kale on a lined dehydrator (or parchment lined baking sheet).
Dehydrate for 6 to 8 hours (or bake at 200°F for about an hour), until the kale is super crispy and not pliable.
Let cool and enjoy that crunch! Store in an airtight container for a few days, or with a moisture absorbing packet to make it last a little longer.